Light Up Your Pedalboard with the New Release From SUNN0)))) and Earthquaker Devices: The Latest Iteration of the Monstrously Popular Life Pedal

January 09, 2020 3 min read

Light Up Your Pedalboard with the New Release From SUNN0)))) and Earthquaker Devices: The Latest Iteration of the Monstrously Popular Life Pedal

January 9, 2020 - In 2019 Sunn 0)))) and Earthquaker Devices teamed up to bring you the first version of the wildly popular Life Pedal. Today they have done it again, releasing a new, limited edition, pedalboard-friendly version of the Life Pedal Distortion with an Analog Octave effect and Booster.

This massively popular pedal is limited to only 2,500 units worldwide, and at Adirondack Guitar we have received 10 of these beasts. Whether you are looking for a more saturated lead tone, a blendable octave effect or full-on-DOOM TONE, the Life Pedal is THE pedal you are looking for in 2020!

If you click through to our website you can get all of the specs info on this amazing multifaceted distortion/octave/boost pedal, but in this article we are looking to give you more of a feel for what this pedal can do. The pedal is basically set up with two sections or sides, two buttons labeled Magnitude and Amplitude. 

Life Pedal Demo:

Amplitude Section

The Amplitude side is modeled after the classic ‘White Face’ distortion unit, an identical circuit right down to the LM308 IC and tantalum caps, with some modifications made in the clipping section which set the Life Pedal apart. While the original White Face distortion unit only offers a single clipping option, the Life Pedal offers three distinct choices: the first position with no diodes to allow for full, grinding ‘Op Amp assault’ at max volume; the second position utilizing two silicon diodes and one LED in an asymmetrical clipping configuration that delivers a smooth compressed crunch tone that you get from a valve amp; the last position being the stock double silicon diode configuration that delivers the tone you all know and love.

Magnitude Section

The “Magnitude” section of Life Pedal is a simple all-discrete MOSFET booster designed to blast your preamp tubes and drive them wild. It is a 100% clean, no-nonsense, high impedance booster that adds very little color to your tone. It does not add distortion on its own but has plenty of output to push your amp into saturation.

Blendable Octave Effect

The Octave in the Life Pedal is an all-discrete, analog full-wave rectifier circuit built around a pair of Russian Germanium diodes. These diodes are located at the input of the circuit, allowing the Octave control to slowly blend the octave effects into your tone as you turn the dial clockwise. This feature can also be used through the expression control, allowing for wild, hands-free octave swells mid-riff. 

Since this is an all analog octave effect, it is monophonic and works best playing single notes above the twelfth fret while using the neck pickup. This effect is also best for lead lines as playing chords with the analog octave can sound clanging and chaotic. Using the bridge pickup and playing below the twelfth fret will produce a very subtle octave effect. Going full Octave transforms Life Pedal from a simple distortion device into a swelling, raging fuzz similar to the classic Super Fuzz!

The signal path of the Life Pedal goes Octave>Distortion>Boost. The octave distortion and booster can be used independently with their own respective footswitches. The Petrine Cross (upside down) is the octave distortion and the Christian Cross is the booster - these are labeled Amplitude and Magnitude on the latest version of the Life Pedal.

What Changed?

The latest version of the Life Pedal delivers the same chaotic octave effects and massive DOOM TONE that the 2019 version of the pedal did, but now comes in a version that will work well on any pedalboard. The first version had all of the control dials at the top of the pedal, with just the switches on the face of the pedal labeled only with the two crosses. 

On this new iteration of the Life Pedal, the control dials are on the face of the pedal, facing upward where they are clearly visible on your pedalboard and easy to adjust. The pedal itself is also more compact and is sure to fit nicely on any pedalboard. While the styling on the 2019 version of the Life Pedal was more minimal, the styling and graphics on the latest iteration of the pedal are sure to be familiar to anyone who loves Earthquaker Devices!

Most important of all for many of us, this new pedalboard-friendly version of the Life Pedal lists at only $269, which is quite a bit less than the 2019 version was selling at. Same circuit, same incredible tone for a great price - you can’t beat that!

Only 2,500 of these pedals are available worldwide, and we have 10 available for ordering starting today on our website. If you want one of these beauties act fast because they are sure to move!

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